Human Computer Interaction

CSCI4800 - Fall 2014 - Dr. Chris Plaue

Team UGASafety - Group 5

Derek Buchman, Dylan Sexton, Michael Keeton, Chris Klappich

Semester Overview

Crime around a University's campus and the general safety of its students are the problems we are exploring. The University of Georgia offers some campus safety and security services; such as security cameras, foot patrols, and key card accessible dormitories. However there are still incidents on campus and students’ safety can be increased.

According to UGA, the institution currently addresses safety by offering security services like 24-hour foot and vehicle patrols, lighted pathways/sidewalks, and controlled dormitory access (key, security card, etc). However, there are around 1000+ safety incidents per academic year on average. Our solution will work in tandem with current solutions to increase student awareness, police presence, and a general atmosphere of safety.

Our design solution is a mobile app that allows a student to 'check­in' with family or friends whenever they travel late at night or anywhere that feels unsafe. It focuses on simplicity, keeping an emergency contact informed, as well as collecting and storing a minimal amount of user data. It allows a user to create a unique profile which houses their chosen emergency contact whom they want to keep informed (likely a parent, guardian, or friend) as well as any information police or medical personnel may need if they are contacted.

Below are screenshots of our initial prototype for AndroidOS:

After creating a functional prototype, we evaluated the design through usability tests and heuristic evaluations. Through our think-aloud, retrospective, and usability testing we were able to identify several logic errors. We also received a few unexpected, but helpful responses from our participants.

Below is a compiled list of our user’s suggestions/errors/comments along with the participant's usability task times:

Usability Times (seconds)

Tasks User1 User2 User3 User4 User5
Create a user profile 50.75 59.55 85.24 48.39 41.64
Checkin/checkout to any destination 1.20 10.31 20.81 29.87 13.38
Checkin, wait, then enter 'safeword' in popup dialog 21.20 37.06 32.70 33.58 33.34
Go to settings and change your 'safeword' 130.20 21.00 24.54 15.18 16.68
Activate the app's 'Emergency Mode' 5.20 17.12 17.12 14.18 10.75

Also, as part of the evaluation stage of design, the class analyzed each group's design using Heuristic Evaluations. Below is a compiled list of usabilty problems (and the respective degree of error) as documented by our classmates:

Through the various tests we discovered several logical errors and realized that many aspects of our application can be improved. Overall, the main criticism we received seemed to be that the user does not know what actions to take in order to complete the desired task. The application’s elements 'looked nice', but ultimately failed at conveying its intended functionality.

For future design iterations, we would need to look at the design of the icons, fix the application’s lifecycle, and change the app’s ambiguous terminology.

Below are screenshots of the Final Project submission:

Group 5 Assignments / Resources


Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Milestone 4

In-class Studios

Studio 1

Studio 2